crud - How to write hibernate spatial update query? -

my goal update drawn vector on map.

my update method :

public boolean update(int id,jsonobject json)  {    boolean success;      try{          entitymanager em = hibernatespatialjpa.createentitymanager();          em.gettransaction().begin();          query query = em.createquery("update savegeojsonentity s set s=:json id=:id");          query.setparameter("id",id);          query.setparameter("json",json);          int result = query.executeupdate();          em.gettransaction().commit();          if( result> 0){                  crudprocess se = new crudprocess();                  se.insert(json);          }          em.close();          success=true;      }catch (exception ex){          ex.printstacktrace();          success=false;      }return success;  } 

and crudprocess class. made according type of vector added.

//(item) geojson in parse(json) method returns //item in data , type information   public boolean insert(jsonobject json) {     geojson item = new geojson(json);     return insert(item); } public boolean insert(geojson item) {      savegeojsonentity theevent = new savegeojsonentity();     entitymanager em = hibernatespatialjpa.createentitymanager();     em.gettransaction().begin();     boolean success;     try {         string vectortype = item.gettype();         if (vectortype.equalsignorecase("point")) {             point point = new geometryjson().readpoint(item.getdata());             point.setsrid(3857);             theevent.setgeom(point);             theevent.setvectortype(vectortype);         }         else if (vectortype.equalsignorecase("linestring")) {             linestring linestring = new geometryjson().readline(item.getdata());             linestring.setsrid(3857);             theevent.setgeom1(linestring);             theevent.setvectortype(vectortype);         }         else if (vectortype.equalsignorecase("polygon")) {             polygon polygon = new geometryjson().readpolygon(item.getdata());             polygon.setsrid(3857);             theevent.setgeom3(polygon);             theevent.setvectortype(vectortype);          }         else if (vectortype.equalsignorecase("multipolygon")) {             multipolygon multipolygon = new geometryjson().readmultipolygon(item.getdata());             multipolygon.setsrid(3857);             theevent.setgeom2(multipolygon);             theevent.setvectortype(vectortype);         }         em.persist(theevent);         em.gettransaction().commit();         em.close();         success = true;         //hibernatespatialjpa.close();     } catch (exception ex) {         ex.printstacktrace();         success = false;     }     return success;  } 

savegeojsonentity database information :

    @id @generatedvalue(generator="increment") @genericgenerator(name="increment", strategy = "increment") @column(name = "id", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true) private int id; @column(columndefinition="geometry", nullable = true) @type(type = "org.hibernate.spatial.geometrytype") private point geom; bla bla ..  , getter setter method ..  public int getid() {return id;} public void setid(int id) { = id;}  public point getgeom() {return geom;} public void setgeom(point geom) {this.geom = geom;}  etc. 

geojson class vectors getter , setter features ( send vectortype , coordinates ) :

 private int id; private string type; private string data;  public int getid() { return id; } public void setid(int id) { = id; }  public string gettype() {return type;} public void settype(string type) {this.type = type;} public string getdata() {return data;} public void setdata(string data) { = data; }  public geojson() { }  public geojson(jsonobject json) {     parse(json); }   public geojson parse(jsonobject json) {      this.type = json.getstring("type");     json.remove("type"); = json.tostring();     return this; } 

and controller :

 @requestmapping(value = "/updategeojson.html", method = @responsebody public genericresponse updategeojson(final httpservletrequest request,@requestparam(value="id",required = false) final integer id) {     string geojsonstring = requestutil.getbody(request);     int failedcount = 0, successcount = 0;     jsonarray datas = new jsonobject(geojsonstring).getjsonarray("datas");     try {         (int = 0; < datas.length(); i++) {             jsonobject geojson = datas.getjsonobject(i);             system.out.println("geojson output");             system.out.println(geojson);             system.out.print("id:");  // id return null (why? )             if (add.update(id,geojson)) {                 successcount++;             } else {                 failedcount++;             }         }     } catch (exception ex) {         system.out.println(ex.getmessage());     }     genericresponse response = new genericresponse("failed : " + failedcount + ",success : " + successcount);     response.setmessage("successcount bom bom");     response.seterror("failed : " + failedcount);     return response; } 

i can see geojson output writes null. did not update. example :

geojson output: {"coordinates":[[20.20690552540442,32.682341460350166],[19.536613076278492,9.54631569375309],[13.406050397745297,22.300641685140324]],"type":"linestring"} null 

any ? thank you.

what need id request , seems getting in requestutil.getbody()

public genericresponse updategeojson(final httpservletrequest request) {     string geojsonstring = requestutil.getbody(request);     int failedcount = 0, successcount = 0;         int id = new jsonobject(geojsonstring).getint("id");         jsonarray datas = new jsonobject(geojsonstring).getjsonarray("datas"); 


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